About 70% of the planet's surface is covered by the sea, and yet much of its potential is
unknown and unexplored.
Now a days...
“For centuries, the use of the oceans and their resources have been guided by a permissive view based on the implicit assumption that it would be possible to accommodate any use of the sea.”
Brazilian society, in general, sees only recreation at sea, shipping, and, lately, oil exploration at sea, failing to perceive other diverse potentials of the sea for the common good of society.
There are several concepts about maritime spaces that are not well understood, which requires clarification, so that such misunderstanding do not result in damage to the real interests of the society.
The potential of the sea is still unknown by Brazilians, while developed countries are fighting a regulatory war, in various international organizations, to advance in the governance of the use of resources and services in maritime spaces.
Rui Barbosa already said:
“The sea is not today, for those who know it, 'the barren sea' of Homer. In her breasts, which science has revealed, there is a fecundity infinitely more prodigious than that of the surface of the earth. The greatest laboratory of life on the planet inhabited by man is the ocean.”
There are many ocean spaces still unknown by man. Every time technology allows science to delve deeper, precious discoveries come out for the surprise of man in general.
More than
of marine pollution comes from land-based sources, due to lack of good policies for sanitation and dumping from land-based industries, NOT from human activities at sea.
of the oceans are outside the jurisdictional limits of coastal states, which represents a shared responsibility.
Why, then, explore the sea?
Marine Scientific Research
Several physical and biological phenomena that occur at sea are interrelated with processes of nature that can impact human activities, in addition to the existence of living organisms with properties that can benefit the development of medicines and other elements for the common good of human beings.
Economy of the Sea
Today better known as the Blue Economy, the economy of the sea is made up of different interdependent sectors, which are based on common skills and shared infrastructure (such as ports and electricity distribution networks) and depend on the sustainable use of the sea by all.
Politics and International Law
In the society of nations, the boundaries between international politics and law are flexible and difficult to define, insofar as the interests of sovereign States govern both. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is an example of international cooperation in this regard.
It is important to highlight that the concept of sustainability is based on a systemic approach to the planet, intrinsically immersed in the context of an anarchic society of politically independent but interdependent nations. Therefore, sustainable development, with its social, economic and environmental pillars, is not an option, it is the only reasonable condition.
The lack of correct information about the sea prevents people from having an adequate view of the benefits that the sea can provide for our country and for humanity, in addition to causing several mistaken interpretations and decisions, which harm national development at sea.
The Oceani Fraternitatem® comes to fill these gaps.
Changing paradigms
Society Awareness Project
Lectures and mini courses
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
Consulting on sea issues
Maritime Policy and Geopolitics of the Sea
Our mission is to present to the whole society the importance of the sea and the activities developed by man in this stunning and so little known maritime space, presenting concepts and information with the proper contextualization and explanations.